08 March, 2008

The Hundred Buck Deal

One day a large black limousine pulled up in front of the local tattoo parlor, and the occupant was helped from it by a large and surly looking chauffer. He left the vehicle and followed his chauffer who preceded him into the tattoo parlor and looked all around before his boss entered. The owner had observed his arrival and concluded from his coiffeur, manner, cashmere jacket and suit that he had to be a “Mafioso” in Don Gotti’s image.
The customer approached the artist and told him, “It doesn’t matter how much it will cost. How long will it take to tattoo the design of a One Hundred U.S. Dollar bill around my cock.
The owner recoiled and told him that he had to have a very good reason to have this done for the pain would be terrible, or he just wouldn’t do it.
The customer replied that pain didn’t bother him at all. He wanted it done. The sooner the better and besides he had three very good reasons:
  1. He liked to stand with his hands in his pockets and he liked to feel money when he did.
  2. He liked to feel his money grow, and
  3. Best of all, every once in a while his wife asked him for a hundred bucks to blow.
He got his tattoo.

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